Week 1, 9/01–9/04, Overview

Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

Welcome! I’m excited to actually get to work!

I will post an overview of upcoming work like this one every Friday. That way you will always know what you need to do in the coming week. I will also post your next writing assignment. If you have any questions, you can always ask me them on our Canvas Discussion Board, on our class Twitter feed (#e110fall2020), or by messaging me on Twitter (@josephdharris).

I will also hold a live overview session on Zoom from 2:30–3:00 every Monday. (These sessions are optional; I won’t take attendance.) You can ask me questions then, or during my Zoom Student Hours, which are:

  • Monday: 3:00–4:00
  • Tuesday: 3:00–4:00
  • Wednesday: 11:00–noon
  • Thursday: 11:00–noon

My Zoom address is https://udel.zoom.us/my/joeharris.

To Do Next Week

  1. Read the syllabus. Okay, sure, you say, but where exactly is the syllabus? It’s right here, I reply, in the pages in the pages on the top of the screen. There are a lot of them, I realize. But it is extraordinarily important that you read them all, since, in a very real sense, they are the course. You can’t count on catching up on what you need to do in class, because we won’t be meeting as a class. I’ve worked hard in these pages to tell you as much about this course as I can. I also be sending you updates like this one each week. In return, you need to read what I write, and if you have any questions, to send me them.
  2. Thurs, 9/04, 4:00 pm: Reply to the Doodle Poll for your first conference with me (in either Week 2 or Week 3). Please list as many hour-long slots that you have free in either week. I will get back to you by Friday with a single 15-minute appointment slot.
  3. Thurs, 9/04, 4:00 pm: Do Writing 1.
  4. Start reading How to Do Nothing (Intro and Chapter 1, pp. ix–29) and Rewriting (Intro and Chapter 1, pp. 1–34). You have a writing assignment based on this reading due next week! (See Item #5.)
  5. Tues, 9/08, 4:00 pm: Post Writing 2 to this site. (Which you will not be able to do if you haven’t completed Writing 1.)
Uncredited meme