Second Essays: An Archive

Image by kropekk_pl from Pixabay

I’ve grouped the second essays people have posted according to the writer they’ve written about. My thinking is that if you wrote about, say, Ressler & Thompson, you might want to read and comment on (for W19) what other people had to say about them.

At the same time, though, I’d like to put in a plug for the essays listed under “Other Writers”. These are pieces written by people who pursued an angle in reading Odell that no one else did. Many of their essays are quite striking and original. You should read them!

Jason Lanier, Ten Reasons for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Now

Herman Melville, Bartleby the Scrivener

Cali Ressler & Jodi Thompson, Why Work Sucks

B. F. Skinner, Walden Two

Rebecca Solnit, A Paradise Built in Hell

Henry David Thoreau, Walden, and Walking

Other Writers

Essay Two

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

NOTE: The directions for posting your final draft of Essay Two are exactly the same as for Essay One. I have simply changed deadlines so you have them handy. Good luck!

Please post the final version of your second essay to Send me the link for this piece by Tuesday, December 1, at 4:00 pm. Then post a link to and a description of your essay to this site by Thursday, December 3, at 4:00 pm. This second post will count as Writing 18.

I will post a list of all Essay 2s to this site, so you can get a quick sense of who has written about a text that interests you. As with Essay One, I’d like you to read at least three of your classmates’ pieces on Medium and post some comments on them on this WordPress site. This work is due by Tuesday, December 8, at 4:00 pm. It will count as as Writing 19.

You can post your essay to Medium as an “unlisted” piece—which means that only those people to whom you send the link for your essay will be able to access and read it. Or you can make your piece public—available to anyone who happens to stumble upon it. The choice is yours.

In either case, I will expect you to present your essay as professionally as you can. (You may want to consult my brief piece on Formatting on Medium.) Think of a good title. Find an interesting header image. Be sure to document the texts you cite and to provide captions for any photos or videos you use. Select relevant tags. Edit your prose for clarity and style. Make thoughtful use of the formatting options (bold, italics, BLQ) offered in Medium. Use paragraphing and white space to make your piece more attractive on the screen. Proofread.

I’ll use the form at the bottom of this page in assigning and explaining your grade. I will try to have grades back to you within a week.Your letter grade is not negotiable, but I am always willing to talk more with you about your writing.

Once you have posted your second essay, description (W18), and comments (W19), you will have completed almost all of your work for this class. Congrats! The only thing you will have left required to do is to submit anonymous comments on this course (Writing 20). But please remember that you also have the option of revising one of your final essays for a higher grade. This revision will be due on Tuesday, December 15. If you’d like, I’ll be happy to talk with you on Zoom about your plans for revising. You can contact me later this week to make an appointment.

Good luck! I look forward to reading your work!

Writings 15–17: Essay Two

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Since the process you’ll follow in writing Essay Two is pretty much the same as what you did in drafting and revising Essay One, I’ll only offer a quick outline and schedule here. But, as always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me with them, or stop by during my Zoom Student Hours.

Please refer to the Essay Two assignment for a description of what I hope you will actually aim to achieve in your writing. I’m simply trying to clarify deadlines and other such details here.

Draft One (Writing 15)

Please post a full draft of your second essay to your Workshop Group Folder on Google Drive by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, 11/10. You’ll want to draft a piece of at least 1,200 words. As always, don’t worry if you write more. As before, please use this formula in naming your document: “First Name Last Initial E2D1”. Example: “Jenny O E2D1”.

Comments on Drafts (Writing 16)

Please write and post comments on drafts written by the other members of your group by 10:00 pm the evening before your workshop is scheduled. For example, if your Workshop is scheduled for Friday at 11:00 am, post your comments by Thursday at 10:00 pm. The point of this is to give the author the chance to read and think about the comments on their piece before the workshop.

As before, follow guidelines in Commenting on Drafts in writing your responses. When you save your comments on someone else’s draft, add your initials to the document title. Example: “Jenny O E2D1 jh”.

Post-Workshop Memo (Writing 17)

After your workshop, please email me a memo reporting on the responses you received to your draft and your plans for moving forward. The instructions for this memo are exactly the same as for Writing 10. Except, of course, for the deadline, which in this case is 4:00 pm on Tuesday, 11/17. You can always send me your memo earlier, and if you do, I will do my best to reply to you promptly.

Final Draft, Essay Two

And here is the one significant change in the process: Your second draft of Essay Two (not the third) will be the final graded version. As with your first essay, I will expect you to post this piece to Medium. The guidelines for doing so are exactly the same as for Essay One. Except, again for the deadline—which is 4:00 pm on Tuesday, 12/01. This will give you two weeks to revise and polish the final version of your piece.

Good luck! I look forward to reading your work and seeing how you’ve grown as a writer!

Essay Two Conferences: Wed, 11/04, Thurs, 11/05, Fri, 11/06

12:00Katie O
2:00Matthew M
3:40Katie D
11:40Matt T
2:00Andrew P
2:40Andy C

Remember to email me Writing 14, Essay Two Update, by 10:00 on Wed, 11/04. Please note that this is a different time due than usual.

Update: Weeks 9 and 10, Mon, 10/26, to Fri, 11/06

Congratulations on completing Essay One! Now it’s time to begin Essay Two!

Your primary task over the next two weeks is to locate and read the text you’ll be writing about in Essay Two. I’ll hold individual conference at the end of next week (Wed, 11/04, through Fri, 11/06) to talk about your plans for writing, and your first full draft will due on Tues, 11/10 (two weeks from tomorrow.

Here’s a step-by-step list of upcoming work.

To Do

  1. Tues, 10/27, 4:00 pm: Post comments on at least three essays posted by your classmates on Medium. Post your comments to this website. (Writing 12)
  2. Thurs, 10/29, 4:00 pm: Email me bibliographic info for the text you will write your second essay about. (Writing 13)
  3. Tues, 11/03: Vote!! (If you haven’t already done so by mail.)
  4. Wed, 11/04, 10:00 am: Email me an update on your reading for your second essay. (Writing 14)
  5. Wed, 11/04, Thurs, 11/05, Fri, 11/06: Meet on Zoom with me to talk about your plans for your second essay. (I will send out a Doodle poll later this afternoon. Please reply ASAP, and certainly by Fri, 10/30.)
  6. Tues, 11/10, 4:00 pm: Post your first draft of Essay Two to your Workshop Group Folder on Google Drive.
  7. Wed, 11/11, Thurs, 11/12, Fri, 11/13: Workshops of Essay Two, Draft One.

Writing 13: A Focus for Essay Two

Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Please read the assignment for Essay Two carefully. For this essay, you need to identify a book that Odell writes about in How to Do Nothing that you find interesting. (Several of you, for instance, in your first essay mentioned Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener or the writings of Diogenes.) What’s really important right now is that you identify the text you want to write about in your second essay, and begin reading it.

Your first draft of Essay Two is due on Tues, 11/10. While that may seem like you’ve still got some time, you need to do a fair amount of work during it. I thus want you to have obtained a copy of the book you will write about by next Thurs, 10/29. For Writing 13, all you need to do is to email me the bibliographic information for the text you want to write about. I’ll trust that you’ve obtained an actual copy, because you’d be really dumb not to have done so by then. Get the book! Start reading!

What sort of bibliographic info do you need to send me? All documentation systems are basically different ways of typing up the same bits of data:

  • Author
  • Title
  • Publisher
  • Date Published

Author and Title are pretty obvious, I think. Publisher and Date Published can be a little more complicated, because you need to identify the actual edition of the book you are using.

For example, let’s say that you plan to write about Walden by Henry David Thoreau. This is a book that Thoreau first published back in 1854, but that won’t be the copy you find at your local library or on Amazon. Instead you’re more likely to come across this paperback edition, published by CreateSpace in 2018. Your bibliographic info would thus look something like this:

  • Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. CreateSpace, 2018.

Or maybe you’re reading an ebook version. That’s fine. You’d just write something like this instead:

  • Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. Arcturus Classics, 2020. Kindle edition.

I’m very curious to see what texts people decide to write about. Please email me or drop in on my Zoom Student Hours if you’d like talk abut some possibilities. Good luck!