Creating an Environment of Negotiation

Spencer Smith

In this essay, I incorporate Jenny Odell’s ideologies and connect them with a book referenced by her called Bartelby the Scrivener. I go into detail on the idea of having options when asked to perform day-to-day tasks we may not want to, especially in this crazy times with covid. I use the idea creative resistance to not only help Odell’s argument but to also add more detail on how to implement the issue that Odell initiates in her book How to Do Nothing.

The main quote I use multiple times throughout my piece is, “I would prefer not to.” This was first stated by Bartelby in the book Bartelby the Scrivener by Herman Melville. I use this quote many times because it backs up the theory of having options and providing passive resistance to what is being asked of us to do. Instead of saying a straight-up yes or no, Bartelby shocks everyone he works with by saying “I would prefer not to.” I take that one step further in my paper by re-phrasing Bartleby’s response to my own – “I would prefer not to do it that way, I would prefer to do it like this.”

Creating an Environment of Negotiation | by Spencers | Dec, 2020 | Medium

Technology Addiction

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When reading Odell how to do nothing, I couldn’t help but think about how she talks about how important it is to get away from technology. Especially in this day and age where we are barely able to leave our houses and stuck to a screen all day doing school work. Covid 19 has trapped us causing us to become more dependent on technology more than ever, now we need it just to communicate to others without the danger of spreading the illness. 

Odell talks about a digital detox she took to a cabin for a weekend and speaks of the impact it had on her. I have gone through the same experience but in a longer period and found multiple benefits from it. I go into detail how this “retreat” has changed me and how I look at my phone and other electronics. Without technology we can focus on other things and relieve the stress of being held hostage to our phones and other technologies. Hopefully my essay will inspire you to try and change the way you live your everyday life so you don’t have to be so “addicted” to our electronics. 

Escape from Technology

Odell said getting away from technology is now considered a “life hack”. This is true, today’s day and age everything revolves around technology. We need our phones everyday to stay in touch with people and do work. Especially today with most people working from home we would be unable to do our school work without computers and our phones. But looking at your phone all day is bad for you physically and mentally. We’ve become too attached to your phones, we can’t even leave the house without them. When we go for a two minute car ride we have to pick songs and play them to keep us entertained. And looking at your phone all day is not good for your eyes. These screens project blue light which strains our eyes causing headaches and migraines. Not to mention many of us look at our phones right before we go to bed which causes us to take extra time for us to fully fall asleep. Getting away from technology is almost a gift nowadays. Whether that just be going for a walk outside or just closing your eyes for a minute. We need these breaks during the day so our eyes and brain can relax and get away from our technology. This technology also has changed our mindset. We are so used to always being entertained by something on our phone or video games. So when something happens in real life that is not entertaining we lose interest to it and go back to just looking at our phones. The issue is getting worse everyday with new inventions coming out and people seeking more ways to stay entertained. Sometimes we need to step back and look at the world from a different point of view. 

I find this thought of being so attached to technology truly horrifying, because it is true. Odell talked about Levi Felix who stated,”I’d like to see more people looking into people’s faces instead of looking at their screens” which in today is a big issue. When talking to people it is so easy to escape the conversation and just look at your phone. It is very hard to keep a conversation going when someone has their nose in their phone. Everyone says this all the time but no one actually does anything to truly change it. This issue is getting worse with the next generation growing up with more technology and missing out on opportunities. For example I have a little cousin about 10 years younger than me. At his age I was always outside playing with my neighbors. But he plays on his phone all day looking through the internet or playing games. 

I’ve seen this issue in my own life, I’ll be sitting at the dinner table with my family or friends and everyone will just be looking at their phones and you don’t even realize it. This is why everyone should have a place to go to get away from technology. Odell used her cabin as an example, with no wifi or access to the internet. Although she said it took her 20 minutes to calm down the pay off was incredible she found peace away from technology. Personally I used to love going to the adirondacks in New York every summer. There are small towns everywhere and very little service so phones are practically useless. There are a number of lakes and you’re just surrounded by wilderness. There are no technology distractions you are cut off from the internet and connecting with the people not directly with you. The only way to get good service is to climb a high peak(mountain), but these are no normal walks, these are taxing hikes. They can take a few hours to climb but at the top you are gifted with a scenic view of the land around you and of course cell service. But when at the top the view is so breathtaking cell service becomes irrelevant. During the times away from the internet you get to see how beautiful the world is because you’re no longer face down in your phone and you get to socialize with people face to face. Seeing pictures of national parks like yellowstone and seeing them in person are tremendously different. Taking it in with your own eyes will always beat looking at your phone screen.

Odell’s Meaning

The main focus Odell is trying to get across in her book, How to Do Nothing, is to show how we have the ability to stop and listen every day. And by doing this, we may see the world in a new way we never would have imagined. Our lives have gotten so busy we have lost the ability to sit back and listen to everything around us. We all get opportunities, but we are so involved with technology we truly never get to take in things going on around us. Odell makes it clear that the few sanctuaries we have, such as the Rose Garden, are in danger of being privatized and turned into apartment buildings. This is happening everywhere; the great outdoors is slowly drifting away and pretty soon there will be no public outdoors, true outdoors. The world today revolves around capitalism and the solution to this issue is almost impossible. Everyone, individually, wants their freedoms as well as equality in choosing a lifestyle. Everyone is too selfish for any other method to work; we all want the latest goods and services. We spoil ourselves and are unable to give up these ways of living. But not everyone, even today, is given the same opportunities; some go through more struggle and hardship while others are set up for success at the best schools with supportive parents. But this also makes everyone unique coming from different backgrounds. Odell talks about the outdoors, at the Rose Garden, and how the outdoors allow for our feelings to change just by walking through a park. One aspect she brought up, bird watching, opened her eyes to so many different things; not simply hearing and seeing birds but also noticing all the things she had been missing out on. One of these were all the bird noises she had been ignoring, most likely due to stress or work. Odell wants us to try these new things that might bring us out of our shell of working nonstop and to see the big picture of the world. Odell used her father as an example, going back to his company after a leave and a change of mind. Changing jobs to become an engineer because of his new way of viewing the world. This change in mindset is not easy. We are taught to work hard, find a job, make money and live a happy life. No where are we taught to relax or step back and look at what is going on around us in the world. She wants everyone to work on changing their mindset and becoming a person who views the world in a new and different way everyday. Everyone’s path to this will be different, but we must go out of our comfort zone to truly feel and see change. Whether that is talking to more people for their point of view on life or just get outside to go on a hike, she wants us to take action. Odell wants us to find a rose everyday and look beyond the thorns. She gives an example of driving home past the night herons everyday as her rose after she had a bad day; everyday, they would be there and provide her with comfort. Everyone is able to do this, but we are so worried about our lives that we are unable to step back and look at what happened good everyday or what went wrong and how to prevent it from happening again.   Odell doesn’t want us to truly stop everything we are doing, she wants us to stop and truly listen and see the world as it is. See all the issues with race, environment and economic injustice in the world. We blind ourselves with constant work and everyday issues that really aren’t that big. If we all do that, we can see the true horrors of our day in age and work towards fixing these issues and making for a brighter future.  Odell herself seems to be drawn to things that stay the same, do not change, such as the night herons staying in the same spot everyday or the Rose Garden staying as beautiful as she imagined everyday. She uses these places to bring attention to resisting capitalism. She describes how the community came together and resisted the building of apartment buildings in this park. She wants us to stand up to common ideologies that are outdated. She wants us to stand up for the common good of all for everyone’s future.

Spencer Smith