Essay One

Please post the final version of your first essay to Send me the link for this piece by Tuesday, October 20, at 4:00 pm. Then post a link to and a 200-word description of your essay to this site by Thursday, October 22, at 4:00 pm. (This second post will count as Writing 11.)

You can post your essay to Medium as an “unlisted” piece—which means that only those people to whom you send the link for your essay will be able to access and read it. Or you can make your piece public—available to anyone who happens to stumble upon it. The choice is yours.

In either case, I will expect you to present your essay as professionally as you can. (You may want to consult my brief piece on Formatting on Medium.) Think of a good title. Find an interesting header image. Be sure to document the texts you cite and to provide captions for any photos or videos you use. Select relevant tags. Edit your prose for clarity and style. Make thoughtful use of the formatting options (bold, italics, BLQ) offered in Medium. Use paragraphing and white space to make your piece more attractive on the screen. Proofread.

I’ll use the form at the bottom of this page in assigning and explaining your grade. I will try to have grades back to you within a week.Your letter grade is not negotiable, but I am always willing to talk more with you about your writing. Remember that you have the option of revising one of your final essays for a higher grade at the end of the semester.

Good luck! I look forward to reading your work on Medium!

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